
Preposition Exercises 3

Test your knowledge of the prepositions in / at / on - showing time and date. Choose either in, at or on

  1. Let's meet ______ seven o'clock.
  2. He was born ______ July.
  3. I went there ______ 1998.
  4. She'll be at work ______ Thursday.
  5. We met ______ Christmas day.
  6. They drove to Barlinek ______ September 15th.
  7. We arrived in this country ______ September.
  8. I love to go shopping ______ Christmas time.
  9. We get up early ______ the morning.
  10. Do you dream ______ night?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Solutions:

1.    Let's meet   at     seven o'clock.
2.    He was born    in    July.
3.    I went there     in   1998.
4.    She'll be at work     on    Thursday.
5.    We met    on     Christmas day.
6.    They drove to Barlinek    on    September 15th.
7.    We arrived in this country      in    September.
8.    I love to go shopping     at   Christmas time.
9.    We get up early     in    the morning.
10. Do you dream     at   night?

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