

Lucy and Sally are walking along when Lucy looks down and says, "Look". As she stoops and looks at the ground, Sally looks down and asks, "Look at what?". Lucy replies, "Look at that tiny bug...have you ever thought about how little he knows?" Sally kneels on the ground and says, "He doesn't know what day it is, that's for sure!" She continues, "He doesn't know what's on TV tonight, either..."

Lucy spreads her arms and says, "He's never even heard of Farrah Fawcett-Majors" Sally exclaims, "Oh Mary Tyler Moore"
Lucy says, "He doesn't know there's a moon in the sky and fish in the ocean..." Sally says, "He doesn't know anything about kites, or frisbees or even ice cream cones!"

They look down again and Lucy says, "And he's never heard of barbers, or baptism, or bass drums..." Linus walks up to them and asks, "Say do either of you girls know where the new post office is? They look up and Lucy replies, "what new post office?" Sally says, "I didn't even know we had a new post office..."
The bug speaks and Linus replies, "Oh, it is? Thank you very much"
The girls sit in amazement as the bug crawls of singing.

To stoop: agacharse
Bug: Bicho
To kneel: arrodillarse
To spread one's arms: Extender los brazos
Kite: cometa
Bass drum: bombo
Say: oye (dí)
In amazement: asombrada
Crawls of singing: se va cantando


Hispania educación y comunicación
Pasaje Doctor Serra, 1, entresuelo 4, 46004, 
TEL: 963526615
Email: info@hispaniaeduca.com

WEB: http://www.hispaniaeduca.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hispaniaeduca.valencia
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Look, look like, look as if ... (LEVEL B1)

Complete the sentences with the verb in the correct form. 

Look, Look like, Lool as if...

Example: She looks like her mother.

  1. That bag  _________  mine, but it isn't.
  2. You   _________   so pleased to be here!
  3. He   _________    he's going to scream.
  4. It   _________    it's going to be a beautiful day.
  5. I thought John   _________   ill this morning.
  6. My friend   _________   Tom Cruise.
  7. You   _________   you're going to cry!
  8. He doesn't   _________   a businessman.



  1. looks like
  2. look
  3. looks as if
  4. looks as if
  5. looked
  6. looks like
  7. look as if
  8. look like

Hispania educación y comunicación
Pasaje Doctor Serra, 1, entresuelo 4, 46004, 


Quick Facts : Independence Day

  • Date: July 04
  • Type: National
  • Also Called: The Fourth of July
  • Celebrations: Fireworks, Parades, Family reunions

Independence Day also known as the Fourth of July is the National holiday of the United States of America. Independence Day honors the birthday of the nation. On July 4, 1776 the United States claimed its independence from England by signing the declaration of independence and the democracy was born.

Independence Day in the USA is always observed on July 4, unless that date falls on a Sunday, in this case it is observed on the following day. 

On this day many political leaders appear at the public events and talk about the nation's heritage, laws, history, people and about recent events and future projects. All Americans are entitled to Independence Day off work except some emergency service workers. 

Independence Day is considered as a Public Day with outings, picnics and lots of outdoor events like parades, air shows, barbecues, fireworks and musical concerts. Parades generally occur in the morning and the fireworks occur in the evening. Independence Day fireworks are usually accompanied with the patriotic songs like "God Bless America", "The Star-Spangled Banner", "America the Beautiful" etc.

Americans proudly fly the American Flag, sing songs and enjoy the day with their friends and families.

Hispania educación y comunicación
Pasaje Doctor Serra, 1, entresuelo 4, 46004, 
TEL: 963526615
Email: info@hispaniaeduca.com

WEB: http://www.hispaniaeduca.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hispaniaeduca.valencia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hispaniaeduca
Blog: http://hispaniaeduca.blogspot.com.es/


Ejercicios: Coloque en los espacios en blanco la palabra correcta

Coloque en los espacios en blanco la palabra correcta, escogiéndola de la lista que le presentamos:

a) There's going to be a little bit of  _________  tomorrow.
b) I'm going to take my coat. It's  _________  .
c) I'd like a beer. It's  _________  .
d) The weather in the winter is  _________  .
e) My dog hates  _________  . He goes under the bed.
f) There's a  _________  moving across the south-west United States
g) I can't see. It's  _________  .
h) It was really  _________  yesterday.
i) Do you have any  _________  in the winter?



a) There's going to be a little bit of  sun  tomorrow.
b) I'm going to take my coat. It's  dirizzling  .
c) I'd like a beer. It's  boiling  .
d) The weather in the winter is  freezing  .
e) My dog hates  thunder  . He goes under the bed.
f) There's a  hurricane  moving across the south-west United States
g) I can't see. It's  foggy  .
h) It was really  windy  yesterday.
i) Do you have any  snow  in the winter?


Partiendo de estos nombres forme los adjetivos correspondientes

  1. rain
  2. fog
  3. storm
  4. sun
  5. breeze
  6. cloud



  1. rainy
  2. foggy
  3. stormy
  4. sunny
  5. breezy
  6. cloudy


Hispania educación y comunicación
Pasaje Doctor Serra, 1, entresuelo 4, 46004, 
TEL: 963526615
Email: info@hispaniaeduca.com

WEB: http://www.hispaniaeduca.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hispaniaeduca.valencia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hispaniaeduca
Blog: http://hispaniaeduca.blogspot.com.es/